Is Delta-8 Right for Me?
1st Oct 2021
Not sure if Delta-8 is for you?

The idea of altering your consciousness is not appealing. If you don't like the feeling of getting a bit stoney or having a few drinks, you probably should play it safe and avoid or take a super small dose to start.
You feel a uncomfortable possessing something that is legal in most places but is also super uncertain and operating in a huge gray area. (Remember this was also CBD prior to the Farm Bill of 2018)
You feel uneasy using a cannabinoid that has been minimally studied and long term usage of it hasn't been observed or studied at all. (This also was CBD just a few years ago too.)
You're unsure about using a synthesized cannabinoid. I'll make a whole post entirely about how it's made next. This was a personal hang-up for me for a while as I was really hesitant about selling a product that was made so differently than our CBD products. If you want to skip ahead and get the down low now, here's the most straightforward article I've found: